Terms of Service

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 Purpose

The purpose of this agreement is to determine the rights, obligations, and necessary matters between the Company and User in relation to the 'Likey' service provided by LOIHI TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").

Article 2 Definition of Terms

  1. The meanings of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows:
  1. The term "User" means a person who has registered as a member by providing personal information to the Company, has agreed to these terms and conditions, and has been granted access to use the services provided by the company.
  2. The term "Creator" means a person, among Users, who provides content, such as photos or videos, on his/her wall.
  3. The term "service" means online platform service "Likey" provided by the Company.
  4. "Platform" refers to likey.me and Likey applications operated by the Company.
  5. The term "store" means the function of a creator to upload goods (including content) directly into the service and allow purchase from User via the Company.
  6. The term "paid service" refers to a service that Users can use for a fee set by the creator according to the Company's policy, through a payment method provided by the Company, such as Heart purchase and membership plan regular subscription.
  7. The term "content" means the overall service provided or sold on the platform, including data or information expressed in codes, letters, voices, sounds, images, etc. used in the information and communication network.
  8. The term "plan" means a membership product in which a user pays a payment amount determined by the company within the platform in order to regularly use the creator's content.
  9. "Heart" is a digital currency used by users to purchase access necessary to use the service, divided into a charged Heart and an event Heart. Charged Hearts are digital currency purchased by Users using payment means, and event Hearts are digital currency provided free of charge to Users for promotion, event, and reward purposes by the company.
  10. "Gold" is a digital currency that is reflected in the Creator's wallet when Users charge Hearts and use them on the Creator. One Heart is replaced with one Gold.
  11. The term "charging" means the act of converting cash into Hearts by means of payment provided by the Company to sponsor a User.
  12. The term "withdrawal" means the act of converting hearts, etc. paid to users into cash.
  13. "Platform fee" refers to the price at which a company provides services to creators. The details of the plan and the commission rate follow a separate service plan.
  14. The term "payment fee" means the fee required by payment institutions such as PG companies in processing the payment
  15. "Store fee" refers to the fee a company receives when a good is sold in the store. The fee policy follows a separate service plan.
  1. Terms not defined in these terms and conditions are interpreted in accordance with relevant laws and business practices.

Article 3 Interpretation and Application of Terms and Conditions

  1. The Company may separately determine the terms and conditions of use for individual services according to the specific contents of the services provided. In this case, for individual services, the terms and conditions of use for individual services take precedence over these terms and conditions.
  2. Where the Company and the creator individually enter into a contract, the contents of the contract shall take precedence over the terms of use of this service and the terms of use for individual services under the preceding paragraph.

Article 4 Description, Effect and Amendment of Terms and Conditions

  1. The Company posts the contents of these terms and conditions on the account registration screen so that Users can easily understand them.
  2. The Company may amend these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter referred to as the "Information and Communication Network Act"), the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Act on the Regulation Of Conducting Fund-Raising Business Without Permission, and related regulations.
  3. When the terms and conditions are changed, the company shall set the contents of the changed terms and conditions and the effective date and notify them at least seven days before the effective date.
  4. The user may terminate the use contract if he disagrees with the changed terms and conditions. If the user does not express his or her intention to refuse from the notice date to the enforcement date of the preceding paragraph, it shall be deemed to have agreed to the change of these terms and conditions as of the enforcement date. If a user or creator who uses a paid service does not agree to the amendment of the terms and conditions and cancels it, the refund policy set by the company shall be followed.

Chapter 2 Account Registration And Withdrawal

Article 5 Application For Account Registration

  1. The User applies for account registration by accurately filling in the membership information in accordance with the sign-up form set by the Company and expressing his or her intention to agree to these terms and conditions.
  2. In any of the following cases, the Company may refuse (or withhold consent) a User's application for account registration or restrict the use of some services.
  1. If the email address is the same as the already signed up user
  2. If an application is made using another person's name
  3. Where the contents of the application for account registration are falsely stated, or there is a reasonable reason to suspect that such is the case
  4. Where an application is filed for the purpose of impairing the well-being, order, or good manners of society
  5. Where other requirements for application for use set by the Company are insufficient
  6. Service-related capacity is insufficient
  7. If there is a reason for technical disability

Article 6 Establishment of a Use Contract

  1. The use contract is established when the Company approves the application for account registration.
  2. The time of establishment of the use contract shall be when the Company marks the completion of the account registration in the application procedure.

Article 7 Managing User IDs

  1. The Company provides Users with an account containing a nickname and unique identification characters.
  2. The Company performs User management tasks such as checking whether they are minors through account information.
  3. The Company shall not be liable for damages in service use or fraudulent use by a third party caused by neglecting user ID and password.

Article 8 Change of Account Information

  1. Users may view or modify their own information at any time through account information management.
  2. When there is a change in the matters described when applying for account registration, the User must modify personal information online or notify the Company of the change by e-mail or other means. The User is responsible for the disadvantages caused by not notifying this.

Article 9 Account Withdrawal and Loss of Qualification

  1. The User may request the company to withdraw its account registration at any time, and the Company handles it in accordance with the regulations on withdrawal of accounts.
  2. The company may restrict and suspend User qualifications without prior notice if a User falls under any of the following grounds.
  1. Where an application for account registration is filed in violation of Article 5 Paragraph 1
  2. Where the debts borne by Users in connection with the use of the Company are not fulfilled within the time limit
  3. In the event of interfering with other people's use of the service or stealing the information
  4. When Users violate the Act or the terms and conditions of use of this service are or performs actions contrary to the customs of public order

Chapter 3 Use of Services

Article 10 Use of Services

  1. Users may use the service from the time the Company approves the application for account registration. However, in some services, the service may be used on a designated date or when certain requirements are met.
  2. The service is basically provided free of charge, but payment is needed to use the paid service.
  3. In principle, the use of the service shall be 24 hours a day: Provided that the Company may temporarily suspend the service after prior notice where there is a business or technical reason, and may notify it afterward where there is an unavoidable reason for not being able to notify it in advance.
  4. The Company may divide the service into a certain range and determine the available time for each range separately. In this case, the contents shall be disclosed in advance.

Article 11 Provision of Information and Publication of Advertisements

  1. The Company may provide Users with various information deemed necessary for the User while using the service, by e-mail, correspondence mail, SMS (mobile phone text message), and platform’s messages. If unwanted information is received, the User may refuse to receive it, but even in that case, the Company may provide essential information related to the use of the service.
  2. A company may post advertisements on its website, platform screen, e-mail, etc. in relation to the operation of the service.
  3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of any communication or transaction, such as the publication on the service or the participation of Users in promotional activities with advertisers through the service.

Article 12 Preparation and Management Of Posts

  1. Users can write posts within the platform. All rights and responsibilities for posts written by Users lie with the User who posted them.
  2. The Company may delete the User's post without prior notice if it is determined that the post prepared by the User falls under any of the following, and the company shall not be liable for this.
  1. In the event of contrary to these terms and conditions of service
  2. If it is a commercial or illegal post
  3. Where a post deemed obscene or vulgar is posted where a person who has not certified as an adult can see it
  4. Where the content insults or defames another person
  5. Where the content violates public order and customs
  6. Where the content is deemed to be linked to a criminal act
  7. In the case of infringement of other rights, such as copyright of a third party
  8. For information that does not match the nature of the service
  9. In case of violation of other relevant laws and regulations
  1. The Company may delete the post after a one-week notice period, if the purpose of the preservation is unclear due to the loss of effect as a post due to the lapse of a certain period of time from the date of writing.

Article 13 Management and Provisional Measures for Posts

  1. Where a User's post, etc. contains content that violates relevant laws, such as the Information and Communication Network Act, the Company may take temporary measures, such as suspension of posting, etc., at the request of the relevant laws or legitimate rights holder (hereinafter referred to as the "applicant").
  2. A person who has prepared the post referred to in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as "poster") may request the Company to restore the relevant post, etc. during the 30-day temporary measure period (hereinafter referred to as "request for reposting"). Where there is no request for reposting within the above period, the Company may delete the relevant post.
  3. The Company may request the Korea Communications Standards Commission to deliberate on temporarily taken posts with the consent of the poster and the applicant, and if there is no consent, the Company determines whether to restore posts, etc.
  4. The Company follows the decision of the Korea Communications Standards Commission or the decision of the Company within the temporary action period, and if there is no decision within the temporary action period, the relevant posts will be restored after the expiration date of the temporary action.
  5. If a third party takes civil or criminal legal measures against the User or Company based on infringement of legal interests caused by the User's posts, the Company may temporarily restrict access to related posts until a final judgment is made by the court.
  6. The responsibility for the clarification of legal measures related to the restriction of access to posts, etc. and the clarification of the court's final judgment shall be borne by the person requesting measures for posts, etc.

Article 14 Attribution and Use of Intellectual Property Rights

  1. All rights, including intellectual property rights, to services provided by the Company to Users belong to the company.
  2. All rights, including copyrights for posts, comments, tags, content, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "posts, etc.") created by Users in the process of using the service, belong to each User unless otherwise expressed.
  3. A user shall permit the Company to use posts, etc. posted on the service for the following purposes at home and abroad.
  1. Reproduction, transmission, exhibition of posts, etc. within a certain area of a platform or media operated by a third party, and modification by changing or simplifying the size without changing the contents of the post in order to expose excellent posts to the service screen within the service (including cases provided in the form of entry within a certain area of a platform or media operated by a third party)
  2. Reproduction, transmission, or exhibition of posts in other services operated by the Company: Provided that this shall not apply where the User does not explicitly consent to reproduction, transmission or exhibition
  3. For the purpose of promoting the Company's services, the Company is required to report and broadcast all or part of the posts to the media, telecommunications companies, etc. In this case, the Company does not provide User information to the media, telecommunications companies, etc. without the individual consent of the Users
  1. When a User posts a post on the service, it is deemed that the User has allowed the post to be used within the service by other Users or the Company to use it as a search result.

Article 15 Measures Due to Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights of Third Parties

  1. If it is notified that a post, etc. posted by a User on the platform has infringed on the intellectual property rights of a third party, the Company may immediately delete the post, etc. from the platform or suspend posting.
  2. Where an intellectual property right holder asserts infringement of his/her intellectual property rights, he/she shall notify the Company in writing by stating all of the following information.
  1. Electronic or actual signatures of intellectual property holders or their legal representatives
  2. Content claiming infringement
  3. Detailed description of platform locations where content claiming infringement is posted or used
  4. Address, telephone number and e-mail address of the intellectual property holder or his/her legal representative
  5. Statement by the intellectual property holder or his/her legal representative that all information in the written notice claiming infringement is consistent with the facts and that he/she will be liable if found to be perjury
  1. Where User’s post, etc. is deleted or suspended by negligence, the User shall notify the company in writing by filling in all of the following information.
  1. User's electronic signature or actual signature
  2. Detailed description of the platform location where deleted or inaccessible content was posted
  3. A statement that he believes his content has been deleted or inaccessible by negligence, and a pledge to take legal responsibility if such a statement is found to be false
  4. User's name, address, phone number and e-mail address
  1. If a third party or User's notice relating to this clause does not comply with the requirements described above, the Company may consider the notice to be invalid and is not responsible for responding or responding to it.

Article 16 Restriction on the Use of Services

  1. Where the User's actions fall under any of the following, the Company may restrict or suspend the use of the User's service.
  1. Hacking or actions that interfere with service operations
  2. In the case of transferring or selling the right to the service to a third party
  3. In the case of forgery, alteration, theft, fraudulent acquisition or use of the payment method in service settlement
  4. In the case of for-profit activities such as posting advertisements or propaganda to a large number of unspecified viewers through nicknames or messages are carried out
  5. In the case of posting in a nickname or message that insults or defames others
  6. Where the content of the information provided by the User is found to be false or a reasonable reason to suspect that the information is false
  7. The Company may delete the User's ID if it is confirmed that the User provides a service that corresponds to an unregistered business type of PG or card payment company, or has regularly paid for the service.
  8. In the case of creating content, comments, or posts that violate a separate Likey Operations policy
  9. In the case attempting to capture screenshots within the Likey application or website
  1. In addition to the above provisions, the service may be arbitrarily stopped if the User commits an action that violates the contents of these terms and conditions. In this case, the Company may prohibit the user from accessing it.

Article 17 Termination of Service

  1. The company may terminate the service use contract without prior notice if the User violates the terms and conditions of this service and interferes with the Company's service or violates the intellectual property rights of a third party.
  2. The Company is not obligated to refund the Heart held by the User when the use contract is terminated under the preceding paragraph, and is not liable to compensate for other damages suffered by the User.
  3. The Company shall not be responsible for any deposit error or delay in registration due to reasons attributable to the service account holder.
  4. The Company is not responsible for the refund of the content cost paid by the User individually to the creator and belongs to the creator's decision.

Chapter 4 Use of Paid Services

Article 18 Contents of Paid Service

  1. The contents of the paid service, its conditions, usage fees, etc. shall be separately notified by the Company on the platform.
  2. The Company may change the contents, conditions, usage fees, etc. of the paid service under the preceding paragraph at any time. However, the changed content does not apply retroactively to Users who have already purchased paid services.

Article 19 Posting Content of Creators

  1. Creators can post content such as photos or videos on their walls on the platform.
  2. When a creator posts content, he/she shall set the settings, such as the unavailability of minors. The Company may arbitrarily change the settings, such as the unavailability of minors, for the creator's content according to the operation policy.
  3. If it is determined that the creator's content violates the Company's operating policy, the Company may arbitrarily take measures such as deletion or suspension of posting.
  4. The Company can provide the creator's content to Users for a fee according to the creator's setting.

Article 20 Purchase of Paid Services

  1. The User shall apply for the purchase of paid services in accordance with the following or similar procedures provided by the company.
  1. Search for content creators, check for content samples
  2. View the list of subscription content and select to buy
  3. Enter the User's name, e-mail address, phone number (or mobile phone number), address, etc., and click pay
  4. Check payment amount, select payment method, and pay
  5. Reconfirm payment amount and pay
  1. Users can pay for paid services through payment methods provided by the Company, such as credit cards and store-in-app payments. However, if there is a separate business operator operating each payment method, the User shall perform the procedure suggested by the business operator of the payment method before using the payment method.
  2. When a minor under the age of 19 uses a credit card, mobile phone payment, real-time account transfer, no bankbook payment method, etc., he/she shall obtain the consent of a legal representative. Provided that the Company may grant a payment limit for each payment method according to the policy of the payment method operating company or the government.
  3. For consent to the payment of minors under the preceding paragraph, the legal representative may consent by mobile phone authentication according to the company's guidance, and after the consent of the legal representative is completed, the company notifies the legal representative of the payment consent and details by e-mail.

Article 21 Hearts Purchase

  1. Users can purchase Hearts within the platform. Users can use the purchased Hearts to purchase content provided by the company or gift them to creators.
  2. The User may withdraw the purchase for the paid service and cancel the contract (hereinafter referred to as "purchase withdrawal, etc.") within seven days from the date of purchase of the Heart.
  3. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if a User has already used some of the Hearts he/she has purchased, or has received benefits such as a certain discount or free Heart gift when purchasing Hearts, he/she shall not withdraw the purchase.
  4. The Company refunds using the same payment method as the User paid, and if a refund is not possible in the same payment method, the Company will refund the full amount after verifying the payer's identity.
  5. In the event of a refund, the Company pays the user the rest after deducting expenses necessary for the refund, such as payment fees.

Article 22 Plan Subscription

  1. A User may regularly subscribe to a plan set by the Company or a creator in order to use paid services provided by the company.
  2. Users can change to a plan of a different price at any time after subscribing to the regular plan. In this case, payment is made according to the following subparagraphs.
  1. If you change to a higher-priced plan among subscriptions, you can use the new plan after paying the difference from the new plan if it is within 7 days from the payment date of the existing plan. However, if it is after 7 days, payment and subscription for the new plan will be made without returning the existing payment amount.
  2. If you change to a lower-priced plan during subscription, it will remain as the existing plan, and payment and subscription will be made with a new plan on the next renewal (payment) day.
  1. The User may cancel the regular plan subscription at any time. However, the regular plan subscription is canceled the following month after the application for subscription cancellation, and the regular payment amount is not charged to the User from the following month (30 days based on the last payment date).
  2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the amount first paid after the plan's regular subscription and the amount already paid before the subscription termination are not refunded.

Article 23 Store

  1. Creators can open their own stores and upload goods to sell within their stores.
  2. The Company may inspect the goods uploaded by the creator pursuant to the preceding paragraph and sell them to Users.
  3. If the goods uploaded by the creator pursuant to Paragraph 1 infringe the copyright of a third party, the Company may immediately remove the goods from the store, and all responsibilities therefore shall be borne by the creator.
  4. Users can purchase goods through credit cards or the like in the store.
  5. The User may withdraw the purchase within 7 days of purchasing the goods in the store. In this case, the user may return the goods to the Company and then receive a refund of the rest after deducting expenses necessary for a refund such as delivery fees and payment fees.
  6. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the goods are contents and the User used the contents, the purchase shall not be withdrawn even within the period under the preceding paragraph.

Article 24 Refusal to Approve Paid Services

  1. The Company may refuse to approve or revoke the relevant approval later if an application for the use of paid services is falling under any of the following subparagraphs.
  1. In the case when essential entries are omitted or incorrect, or essential procedures are insufficient
  2. In the case of not paying the usage fee or inability to verify the payer
  3. In the case of a minor under the age of 19 applies without the consent of a legal representative
  4. In the case when the payment amount is paid by unauthorized payment without the consent and approval of the payment method holder
  5. In the case when it is deemed impossible to approve due to other reasons attributable to the User
  6. In the case when it is deemed that satisfactory services cannot be provided due to lack of service facilities
  7. In the case of a service failure
  1. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the company does not return the user's payment.

Chapter 5 Settlement

Article 25 Fee

  1. The Company may change store and platform fees at any time. However, the changed fee is applied to the payment made the day after the date of change.
  2. If there is a contract for a separate platform fee rate or discount on the fee rate, such as a partner contract, the platform fee rate and discount rate of the contract shall be applied first.

Article 26 Settlement Application for Creators

  1. Creators can always apply for settlement for Hearts, plan subscription fees, and store sales fees that they have acquired. If the creator does not apply for settlement, the Company suspends the settlement.
  2. The settlement ratio per gold is the value after platform fee, converted based on conversion price to US dollars for KR won 100. The conversion value to US dollars is adjusted according to the Company's internal policy according to fluctuations in the exchange rate, and can vary every 12 months.
  3. When applying for settlement, a creator shall send data requested by the Company, such as an identification card (or business registration card) in his/her name, a copy of the bankbook, and a mobile phone number for issuing a cash receipt, for personal authentication. In such cases, the name of the account and the name of the identification card (or business registration card) shall match, and the settlement amount may be withdrawn only from the bank's account.
  4. The period subject to settlement shall be from Monday to Sunday every week, on a weekly basis.
  5. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the amount to be settled by the creator is less than 50,000 won, the Company may suspend the settlement and settle the settlement by adding it to the next settlement amount.
  6. If the creator is under the age of 14, an adult guardian, a limited guardian, or a specific guardian, he/she may apply for settlement with the consent of a legal representative or guardian in accordance with the method designated and guided by the Company.

Article 27 Method of Settlement for Creators

  1. The Company deducts platform fees, store fees, payment fees, and other taxes from the User's payment amount (excluding VAT) and transfers the remaining amount to the account designated by the creator on the payment date.
  2. The payment date under the preceding paragraph shall be Thursday next week of the period subject to settlement. If the payment date is a public holiday, the payment date shall be the following business day.
  3. If the creator is on military service, settlement may be restricted during the military service period if there is a separate request from the Military Manpower Administration.
  4. The Company may restrict or cancel the settlement of the creator without prior notice if it is suspected that the creator's Heart, sales payment, etc. were acquired illegally, and may refuse to pay the settlement amount or recover the pre-paid settlement amount until the creator's claim is acknowledged.
  5. The Company may change the settlement method at any time after prior notice to the creator.
  6. If the creator raises an objection to the settlement amount, the Company and the creator may agree on the settlement amount under mutual consultation. If the agreement is delayed, the Company may perform the settlement based on the smallest amount of the settlement amount claimed by the Company and the creator. In this case, the Company is exempted from the liability for delay in the entire settlement amount until the agreement is reached.
  7. If a refund occurs after the creator receives the settlement amount, the Company may arbitrarily deduct the refund amount from the creator's settlement amount thereafter. In this case, the specific settlement procedure and amount are in accordance with the standards announced on the platform.
  8. Creators are responsible for tax returns and tax payments on all income in the service.

Article 28 Disclaimer

  1. The Company is exempt from responsibility for providing the service if it is unable to provide the service due to natural disasters, wars, and other force majeure equivalent thereto.
  2. The Company is exempted from liability if damage occurs due to the main telecommunications service provider's failure to stop or provide telecommunications services normally.
  3. The Company is exempted from liability for damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, regular inspection, and construction of service facilities.
  4. The Company may temporarily modify, change and suspend its services.
  5. The Company shall not bear any responsibility to the user or a third party for the above modification, alteration or interruption.
  6. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for disputes arising between users or between users and third parties, nor shall it bear responsibility for the benefits expected by users in relation to the use of the service.
  7. The Company shall not be liable for any kind of loss or damage incurred by the user or any other related agency due to the use of information posted on the service.

Chapter 6 Rights and Obligations

Article 29 Rights of the Company

  1. The Company has intellectual property rights and other rights related to the services provided by the Company, the necessary software, images, marks, logos, designs, service names, information and trademarks, etc.
  2. Except as otherwise expressly approved by the Company, the User shall not modify, lend, loan, sell, distribute, produce, transfer, re-license, establish security rights, or allow a third party to do such an act.

Article 30 Obligations of Users

  1. When a User uses the service, he/she shall not perform any of the following acts.
  1. The act of stealing another User's account or other person's payment information
  2. The act of transferring the User's account to another person
  3. The act of impersonating the manager of the Company
  4. Obstruction of the operation of the service by stating false information while using the service
  5. Reproduction or transmission of information or content obtained in the course of using the service without prior consent from the Company, or use for purposes or commercial purposes other than these terms and conditions
  6. Broadcasting or posting content containing fraudulent, obscene, gambling, hateful messages or voices, etc
  7. Acts that interfere with the normal use of services by other users, such as defamation, insults, cyberbullying, stalking, and violent acts
  8. Activities that infringe on other rights of the company or a third party, such as intellectual property rights and portrait rights
  9. The act of collecting, storing, disseminating, or using the personal information of another person without consent
  10. Disrupting the operation of a company's services by manipulating data in an abnormal way
  11. Transmission, publication, dissemination, and use of data containing computer software, hardware, software viruses designed to disrupt or destroy the normal operation of telecommunications equipment, and other computer codes, files, and programs
  12. Changing services through server hacking, data leakage, bugs, etc., or using services in a way that is not specified by the company
  13. The act of using the service for the purpose of borrowing cash, fraudulent transactions to monetize cyber money
  14. Violation of relevant statutes or the terms and conditions of use of this service, service operation policies, and notices
  15. Any other act that violates public order and customs or acts in an illegal or unfair manner
  1. When a User finds another User suspected of violating any of the subparagraphs of the preceding paragraph, he/she shall send a report by e-mail, ‘report’ function, etc.

Article 31 Obligations of Creators

  1. A creator shall not perform any of the following acts in addition to the subparagraphs of Article 30 Paragraph 1.
  1. The act of proposing to sell content to Users without providing services or receiving money
  2. The act of receiving or inducing the payment for the purpose of returning the payment after settlement to the User who has paid the usage price (fraudulent transactions to monetize digital currency)
  3. The act of selling goods in a store that violate the rights of others
  4. In the case of receiving or inducing payment through illegal methods under the current laws and regulations
  1. If the creator violates paragraph 1, the Company may take the following measures.
  1. Cancellation of all transactions arising from the grounds referred to in the preceding paragraph
  2. Indefinite suspension of payment of settlement amount regardless of the settlement clause of this contract
  3. Civil and criminal legal measures, such as claims for damages to the creator in the event of damage to the company

Article 32 Prohibition of Unfair Use

A user shall not commit any of the following illegal use activities.

  1. The act of selling, lending, and transferring services provided by the Company, such as one's own ID and subscription, to others, and advertising them
  2. The act of running a replication program or capturing or recording a screen while using the service
  3. Any action to disable Digital Rights Management (DRM) of content
  4. Any act of illegally using content without a legitimate contract between the Company and the User through settlement
  5. Other acts in which a User uses the service beyond its original method or purpose

Article 33 Protection of Personal Information

  1. The Company uses the User's information related to the service only for the purpose of providing services under this use contract and cannot divulge or distribute it to a third party without the prior consent of the person: However, this is not the case in any of the following cases.
  1. Where necessary for the settlement of charges in accordance with the provision of services
  2. Where processed and provided in such that specific individuals are unidentifiable for statistics preparation, academic research or market research
  3. Where there are special provisions in the Act on Real Name Financial Transactions and Confidentiality, the Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information, the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Local Tax Law, the Consumer Protection Act, the Bank of Korea Act, the Criminal Procedure Act, etc
  4. Where there is a request from the relevant agency for investigative purposes pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations
  5. Where requested by the Information and Communications Ethics Committee
  6. Where there is a request in accordance with the procedures prescribed by other relevant agency
  1. If there is a customer's objection to mobile phone payment or a request from the mobile phone payment arbitration center due to a similar matter, the Company may check with the mobile phone payment arbitration center whether the user is paying for the service to the extent necessary to solve the problem.

Article 34 Notification to Users

  1. When the Company makes notifications about User, the User may designate e-mail address, message, or phone for communication with the company.
  2. In the case of notification to a large number of unspecified users, the Company may substitute for individual notifications by posting it on the platform for more than one week. However, individual notifications shall be made for matters that have a significant impact on the user's own transaction.
  3. The Company may transmit non-optical information such as posts and comments to users through a chat function in the platform or e-mail (mass message).

Chapter 7 Others

Article 35 Copyright

  1. The Company respects intellectual property rights and copyrights, and expects Users of this service to respect the intellectual property and copyrights of others.
  2. Services provided by the Company, other intellectual property rights, and all other content belong to the Company. Members shall not use information obtained by using services provided by the Company for profit or make it available to a third party by copying, reprocessing, transmission, publication, distribution, broadcasting, or other methods without the prior permission of the Company.
  3. The copyright of a post posted by an account holder within the service belongs to the author of the post. However, the Company may use the post registered by the account holder to the reasonable extent consistent with the fair practice prescribed in the Copyright Act free of charge without the account holder's separate permission for the purpose of operating, exhibiting, transmitting, distributing, and promoting the service.
  4. The Company may anonymously collect the copyright of the work or the right to use the work, such as articles posted by account holders and creators or articles posted on the platform operated by the Company, and use them for related research, statistics, and development. In addition, a third party may be allowed to reuse the right for the use or research of big data.

Article 36 Advertising

The Company may advertise Company’s service or a third party’s service.

Article 37 Compensation for Damages

The Company shall not be liable for any damage to the User in connection with the service provided free of charge.

Article 38 Dispute Resolution

  1. The Company and account holders shall make sincere efforts with each other to resolve disputes arising in connection with services smoothly.
  2. Services provided by the Company should be used for legal purposes only, and use in forms contrary to Korean laws is prohibited. The Company is not responsible for any damage caused by the account holder's prohibited use.

Article 39 Jurisdiction and Governing Law

  1. These terms and conditions are stipulated and implemented by law.
  2. Interpretation of these terms and conditions and disputes between Users may be subject to mediation by the dispute mediation agency.
  3. In the case of disputes arising between the Company and the User in relation to these terms and conditions, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the company's headquarters shall be the competent court.

Supplementary Provisions

These Terms and Conditions shall apply from January 05, 2024.

Disclosure date: April 20, 2019

Effective date: January 12, 2024

Revised date: January 5, 2024